For the Love of Leadership

I hear the BTS when it comes to running a household, team, and business. Over the past 10+ years of coaching, there’s an obvious trend I’ve been seeing that causes frustration and overwhelm, and ultimately hinders long-term success in both life and work.

Most think they need to manage their family/team/people better. When, in reality, they need to lead them. 

The difference is more than a word choice – it’s a game-changing perspective that shifts how you approach people (and yourself!).

Here’s why this matters…

With a management approach, you may feel like you…

  1. make some progress and then find yourself back where you started.

  2. are the only one that “gets-it” and no one else cares as much as you do.

  3. have to do everything and that no one can do it “right,” so you might as well do it yourself.

…and you’re beginning to wonder if you have what it takes to lead well.

Truth: You do. But you must be willing to let go of old ways of thinking, so that you can experience new ways of living and working. So this is what it looks like...

Management is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.

Leading is the initiative in an action; an example for others to follow.

Considering this: Would you like to be managed by someone or led by someone? 

You see, management is for things like projects, processes, and budgets. Yes, we need to manage these things, but we need to be leading people.

When we lead people, we inspire, guide, and allow them to grow within the relationship, whether it be personally or professionally. 

Think of your favorite mentor – isn’t this the approach they took with you?

With leading, we see what people are capable of, and give them a playground to discover, learn and reach their potential. That breeds loyalty, growth, and connection for both parties.

This approach is often coveted – yet, we still control and manage people because we don’t know how to get out of our own way in order to lead. We’re scared to let go, to trust. 

My hope is that this thought shift will support you in leading effectively at home and at work because you see what's possible from here.

And if you’re wondering how to actually implement this and thinking about all the obstacles along the way, that’s where I come in. 

In my 1:1 practice, I support do-it-all professionals, entrepreneurs, and moms who’ve already achieved monetary success, but feel like something is still missing.

Together we create the self-awareness and self-leadership skills required to upgrade your wellbeing, work-life balance, and relationships so that you can have the freedom, fulfillment, and flow you desire. 

If this is you, book a time with me here to discover if it’s a good fit. 

Here’s to you becoming the leader you're meant to be,



Here's to Living in Alignment


The Most Significant Relationship and Intimacy